Mich Gonzalez (él/he/they)

Mich P. González is a proud a transgender Latino raised by a single teen mom and her queer immigrant family who overcame poverty and housing instability in Miami, enabling him to become a first-generation university and law school graduate. As a Lead Attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center's Immigrant Justice Project, Mich has helped fight against repeated racist, xenophobic laws and policies while ensuring that disparately impacted BIOPOC and LGBTQ immigrants are centered rather than erased. Before joining SPLC, Mich served as a Senior Attorney with non-profits providing legal representation to immigrant youth and children facing deportation in New York and Miami. Prior to that he worked at the American Friends Service Committee of New Jersey, where he helped launch the second public defender pilot project for detained immigrants in the US. After graduating from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in 2013 with an education rich in client-centered clinical experience, Mich was honored to serve as the first Cardozo Immigration Justice Fellow with Immigration Equality, where he represented LGBTQ and HIV-positive asylum seekers in detention and before various federal courts and agencies. Mich has also interned and volunteered with the Gay Men’s Health Crisis Center, HIV Law Project, Lambda Legal and is now honored to serve his intersectional community as a board member with The Alliance for LGBTQ Youth.